Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Here it is. . . .

The Long Awaited Day Camp Schedule with achievements! 

(This is subject to change if personnel, facilities, or supplies change beyond our control.  It is copied over from an Excel file, so all apologies extended if it is difficult to follow.)

The planned schedule is 

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (June 24, 25, 26) at Westfair from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Each day will have two stations in the morning and two stations in the afternoon.  We will have an hour lunch break from approximately 11:45 to 1:00, with a special program delivered to Cubs each day.  Cub Scouts should bring their own sack lunch which they may eat in the amphitheater during the lunchtime presentation.

Station A: Engineering  

During the week Cubs will work on making a windmill, watermill, use wheel & axle, make a windlass and set up a pulley in the process of constructing a castle.  This will accomplish Wolf Elective 8 b, c, d, Bear Elective 7 b, c, and Webelos Engineer 7, 8, 9, and 10.  We will also accomplish 1, 2, 3, Go! and Swing! for Nova.

Station B: Art & Entertainment

Wolf  Bear Webelos
Medieval Music: Cubs make psaltery, drum, pipe Medieval Music: Cubs make psaltery, drum, pipe (Elective 8 a, b, c) Medieval Music: Cubs make psaltery, drum, pipe (Showman Music 2; Puppetry)
Plan a skit, song, joke; make props (Elective 2) Plan a skit, song, joke; make props (4c) Plan a skit, song, joke; make props (Showman Music 9; Puppetry)
Make costumes for skit (Elective 2)  Make costumes for skit Make costumes for skit (Showman: Puppetry)

Station C: Making a Living

Wolf  Bear Webelos
Leather working project (Elective 3e) Leather working project Leather working project (Scholar #9); Hunter (Naturalist 5, 7, 8, 9, 10)
Weaving;(Elective 3e) Planting (Elective 15c) Weaving; Planting Weaving; Planting
Paper, ink, codes (Elective 1a) Paper, ink, codes Paper, ink, codes

Station D: Training for Battle

Wolf Bear Webelos
Archery (Belt loop & pin and Elective 20c) Archery (Belt loop & pin and Elective 20a) Archery (Belt loop & pin)
Badminton Badminton Badminton (Sportsman #2; need to do fishing on Saturday morning to complete Sportsman #2)
Fitness: Front Roll, Back Roll, falling forward roll Fitness: Curl ups, push ups, standing long jump, softball throw Athlete: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.Do as many as you can of the following and record your results. Show improvement in all of the activities after 30 days.a.Have another person hold your feet down while you do as many curl-ups as you can.
b.Do as many pull-ups from a bar as you can.
c.Do as many push-ups from the ground or floor as you can.
d.Do a standing long jump as far as you can.
Chess (Belt loop/pin) Chess (Belt loop/pin) Chess (Belt loop/pin; Scholar #8)
Fitness: Play catch; run or jog in place for five minutes Fitness: Compete in 6 2-person contests Athlete: e.Do a quarter-mile run or walk.
Archery Archery Archery
Flag Football Flag Football Flag Football (Sportsman #1,#2,#3, part of #4)
Fitness: Walk a line back and forth. Do it sideways too. Then walk the edge of a board six steps each way. Fitness: crab relay, gorilla relay, 30-yard dash, and kangaroo relay Athlete:  6.Do a vertical jump and improve your reach in 30 days.
7.Do a 50 yard dash as fast as you can, and show a decrease in time over a 30 day period.

Friday June 27

      Wolves Bears Webelos
2-5:30  Quest   Wolves complete an adventure to find King Arthur's grail. They will complete achievement 7 and Elective 13. (Wolves will also complete Elective 19 if they come to Fishing on Saturday morning.  If they work on Elective 15 at home or with the Pack, they will earn the World Conservation Award.) Bears will complete an adventure to kill a beast (like Beowulf).   While tracking down the Beast, boys will complete Electives 12 and 15, which are 2 of 3 requirements for the World Conservation award.  Webelos will complete a Robin Hood adventure on Friday afternoon. Their quest will be to find the Sheriff of Nottingham.  In order to get to him, they will have to complete requirements of Forester (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, maybe 8, 9, and 10, and Naturalist 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12)
5:30-6:30 Feast   Families welcome:  Cost of Friday feast and Saturday breakfast is $5, and non-Cubs will need a wristband.  Good Manners Belt Loop and Pin 
6:30-6:45 Dragon Attack   Cub Scouts fight off a dragon attack and, if they defeat the dragon, gain a treasure of gold!
6:45-8:00 Campfire    All Camp activity. Webelos will perform a puppet show, and Wolves, Bears and Webelos will perform skits, tricks, run-ons, and tell tales of their quests. 

Saturday June 28

6:30-7:30  Fishing   Fishing Belt Loop & Pin
8:00-8:45  Breakfast   All camp activity.  Non-day camp attendants need a wristband to eat breakfast. 
8:45-9:00  Opening    
9:00-12:00 Fair: Stations   Archery, Trebuchet launching competition (Webelos build trebuchets in advance), and other stations to be announced 

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